Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Where is Yarncat?

You might have asked yourself during the course of my absence, ‘is this blog over now?’ or ‘where is yarncat?’. (Not that I assume there is anyone of you watching this space.)

Anyway, I am still here, just that, people, it is summer!!! Should we all just try to get out a little instead of sitting in front of the computer???

There are many things one (read: me) can do than writing one’s (read: my) blog that nobody reads...


1. Knit a bikini to prepare your trip to see your friend in Spain

2. Go to Spain

3. Sitting on the beach in Spain in your own handknit bikini to knit sock

4. Knit sock on the beach in Spain

5. Knit sock while listening to the band on the beach in Spain

6. Knit sock while eating yummy BBQ Squid on the beach in Spain

7. Knit sock on another beach in Spain (It really is another one, look at that umbella, they are different from the one before!)

8. Knit sock in a spa

9. Knit sock sitting next to the pool (Yes, I was reading Your Cat Magazine at the same time too! hohohohoho)

If you are jealous of me and would want to know where exactly in Spain I was, I was in Marbella to see my friend Helen.

(to be continued of Marbella, LYS info + yarn purchase photo, local SNB, etc!)

1 comment:

Sinéad said...

I love your bikini, it looks fab! Your sock certainly had a great holiday too, all the beaches it went to! The weather looked great, much better than here in Dublin *grumble* Glad you had a good time.