Thursday, November 19, 2009

Knitting and Stitching Show Dublin 2009

Since I started my own cat care business, I am very well aware of the fact that holiday seasons will be the peak time of my business. I probably won't be able to spend as much time celebrating holidays anymore and even less travelling. So I decided to take a break in November and do stuff I like, which at the end, leads me to take part in whole series of yarn-related events.

I started my yarn holiday by attending a workshop at the Knitting and Stitching Show Dublin 2009.

I have attended the Lucet workshop by the Lucet master Ziggy Rytka.

The class was fun and opened my eyes to a new craft. I am looking forward to use some cords in my knitting and sewing projects in the future.

The surprising news is, I didn't even get much yarn from the show this year. First of all, there are still yarn from last year's show in my stash. More importantly, I was going to Estonia to see my friends and will visit Latvia and Finland. I knew I would have more than enough yarn to buy during this trip! (It turned out I got more than I thought I would of course...) I will tell you all about the trip in the coming days, there will be knitting tram event and knitting supermarkets I visited and so much more!

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