Friday, April 4, 2008

FOs - Part Two

So after I finished my scarf for my man, my fingers are so itchy for more knitting, being not very ambitious of me, I knitted another boring scarf = Irish scarf!

It is a scarf for my father for Christmas. Really nothing special, it is just exactly the same like the one before but with different yarn. I guess I was not confident in making anything else than a scarf which I know very well how to make.

But this scarf is very important to my knitting history in the way that I told myself, 'if I knit one

more scarf, I will knock my head to the wall!' It started to be boring to make the same project over and over again. I told my man about it, he said, 'oh, knitting has been very popular for a few years now in North America.' The thing is, in Europe, it hasn't yet the case. Feeling amazed, I Wikipedia-ed 'knitting' and learnt about Debbie Stoller and 'Stitch n Bitch'. I was so happy to discover there is such a planet of knitting community out there, so I rushed to the bookstore and got myself this...

It opened up my eyes to the new world of knitting and realize that knitting can be cool, can be whatever I want to make, can be whatever I want to design! I then started my journey in Craftland and enjoying it more and more day after day.

Preview: Stop making scarves, but still not confident to make anything that are not rectangular...

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